Cleveland City Council Meeting 09-09-24
Council members sworn in at Cleveland City Council meeting Monday
The Cleveland City Council met yesterday.
Four Council members were sworn in, including two who will serve in the capacity for the first time. Travis Henry, with the Bradley County Election Commission, presented certificates of election to District 4 Councilman David May, Jr., and newcomers District 5 Councilman Duane Goff, and At-Large Councilman Dan Moore. Judge Mike Sharp administered the oaths of office. District 3 Councilman Tom Cassada was unable to attend, but was already sworn in.
During the meeting, Richard Banks was reappointed as Municipal Judge.
Several rezoning requests were also heard by the Council including 35 acres off Freewill Road and 22 acres off North Lee Highway. Both resolutions passed and properties have been rezoned for housing.
The next City Council meeting will be held on Monday, September 23rd.
You can watch yesterday’s meeting in its entirety at MixTV.TV.